Large eyes, not too large but large enough to be beautiful. Straight hair, touch of brown, very soft.Well made eyebrows and ya that trademark nose.They say it runs in the family.She was beautiful, sat down in her red dress. Beaming , happy , in control.Large bag, the only element of her which seemed out of proportion.
Unsure what to say, a presence formidable.Next to the right corner of her head you could hear music play. Strange circumstances. Strange days,strange places.
Coffee getting bitter, or was it supposed to be bitter.Some fancy relativity stuff about time is when you see a magnificent dame you loose track of the tick tocks.
Well, time had stopped for me quite unknowingly. My thoughts concentrated on a single nothingness.In her eyes, i saw the eyes of yore, in her cheeks i saw the red of better days.And in that woman sitting in the corner I found a reason to write.
Amen. :)